Arbor Perennial Gardens

History of the Arbor Perennial Gardens

The gardens that surround the Trial Gardens

Master Gardeners and volunteers undertook renovations in the perennial gardens surrounding the Trial Gardens including the area under the very large, old Crabapple tree.  The ‘no dig’ method of weeding and newspaper with mulch was used. The gardens are continually changing and being maintained by our committed volunteers.

Lakeside Arbor Garden before

Lakeside Arbor Garden today.

beforePeonies infected with Botrytis

after – Peonies dug up, bare rooted, soaked in a bleach solution & replanted.

Climbing roses were given a severe pruning and trained to the trellises.

The arbor leading onto the lawn from the Trial Gardens was donated by the Veterans Garden Committee of the Garden Center. It is planted with white climbing roses and clematis.

One of the newly renovated perennial beds next to the rose arbor leading onto the lawn.

The pleasing result of our volunteers’ hard work after removing the ivy under the crabapple tree now planted with hostas and heuchera.

Perennial bed on one side of the rose arbor leading onto the lawn. The bed was renovated in spring 2023.

In 2023, Garden Center Master Gardener Scholarship recipients who are regular Veterans Garden volunteers took on the task of removing the ivy under a crabapple tree.